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(Adoption Se​rvices for Birthmothers)

Lisa Simpson is the owner and managing attorney of Simpson Law Firm, PLLC.  

Lisa graduated 2nd in her law school class and was the recipient of a Castro Scholarship, a Student Ambassador, and was recognized for her outstanding services at an Editor for law review.  

Lisa has authored the following publications:

  • Adoption Law:  It May Take a Village to Raise a Child, but It Takes National Uniformity to Adopt One, 3 Phoenix L. Rev. 575 (2010).
  •  Adoption and Termination of Parental Rights, in Catherine A. Creighton, Arizona Legal Forms Domestic Relations (3d ed. 2008).   
  • Adoption Law:  Reform the Statues to Reform the Lives, 8 Ariz. Summit L. Rev. 1 (2014)

 Lisa was admitted to practice in 2012.  She was recently appointed as a Judge Pro Tem for the Maricopa County Superior Court - Juvenile Division